Learning to Wing Foil

There are a lot of Wing Foiling Videos online to help get you started.  We have added a basic "how to" video as well. These are useful to watch to give you confidence when heading out on the water.  Then it takes practice and time on the water to make progress

The Basics of Getting up on the Foil video link

I also blogged my journey so you might find something useful here, especially if you are learning in the Kapiti region as I discuss some of the locations and the wind conditions I experienced. Blog here

I watched these 2 Videos by Robby Naish as an introduction to Wing Foiling. He keeps things very straight forward and easy to understand. 

On the beach - the basics

Getting on the Water

Damien LeRoy also has a comprehensive video course on learning to Wing Foil which is well worth the watch.  Link to the first video in the series below.  

Damien LeRoy learning to Wing Foil Tutorial 1

If you are interested in Wing Foiling Lessons in Wellington (Porirua) we can put you in touch with an experienced Wing Foiler offering lessons.